Prosu - adverteren de Loonwerker

De Loonwerker

Target Audience: de Loonwerker

De Loonwerker is ‘the’ trade magazine and main platform for contract workers in the Netherlands and Belgium. The title focuses specifically on professionals within the agricultural sector, covering all aspects of contract work in detail. De Loonwerker is the brand for the Dutch and Flemish markets. For the Walloon market in Belgium, we publish Terre Fermière. With a fresh and modern approach, de Loonwerker offers a complete and up-to-date overview of the sector, informing readers not only about the latest trends and developments, but also providing inspiration and practical tools to optimize their operations. We do this with various integrated on- and offline media channels: trade magazine, website, newsletter & social media.

Trade journal

Trade journal de Loonwerker

Reach figures

Vakblad de Loonwerker is published in the Netherlands and Flanders. The shipment of the trade journal consists of subscriptions and is supplemented with other target groups relevant to the contracting sector. We do this supplementation based on data from the National Agraricultural Database.

About the trade journal

Trade magazine the Loonwerker is aimed at contractors, farmers, manufacturers, dealers and all those interested in the latest news in the field of machinery, techniques and operations. Fixed sections ensure familiarity. For example, it always opens with a “Contractor in the Picture,” giving the reader an insight into the operations of a contracting company. The editors strive to include a user in as many reports as possible.

We believe that in addition to the technical information provided by manufacturers, importers or dealers, experience from the field is essential. In addition, there are also some sections that look back to the past. After all, our industry has such a rich history that it would be a shame to let the available information go to waste.

de Loonwerker adverteren - sample trade magazine

Publication dates

Trade journal de Loonwerker (Netherlands and Flanders)
EditionRelease datesThemesDelivery date advertisments
311-04-2025Sowing, planting and fertilizing21-03-2025
409-05-2025Crop Care18-04-2025
611-07-2025Grass and hayfarming20-06-2025
712-09-2025Parcel, berm and ditch22-08-2025
928-11-2025New material07-11-2025


Website de Loonwerker

The website from de Loonwerkeris an essential part of our communication with our target audience. We have both a Dutch as a Flemish website.

The website offers the latest and most relevant news items, articles and reports. In this way, we also try to appeal to other audiences that we cannot (always) reach with stories in our trade magazine.

Weergaven (Per week) Gebruikers (Per week)
de Loonwerker NL 6.400 3.700
de Loonwerker BE 2.500 1.100


Newsletter de Loonwerker

Ontvangers Openings%
de Loonwerker NL 9.200 34,40%
de Loonwerker BE 4.200 38,60%

Social media

Social media de Loonwerker

Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
de Loonwerker NL 22.900 14.950 1.680 560
De Loonwerker BE 10.600


Data de Loonwerker

Beschikbare gegevens
Telefoongegevens 95%
E-mailadressen 74%
Bedrijven waar werkzaamheden van bekend zijn 66%


Partner from de Loonwerker

As a partner, you benefit from broad and targeted exposure within your industry for one year. On the partner page, we collect the latest news, user experiences, surveys and other relevant articles your company has shared through our platforms. Partners work closely with our editors, web editors and marketing specialists to ensure that a message is spread in the right way and through the right channels.

This focused and strategic partnership helps to effectively achieve marketing objectives and strengthen your brand within the industry.


Sector-wide advertising

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