Prosu - adverteren Melkveebedrijf


Target audience: melkveebedrijf

Melkveebedrijf is the trade magazine and main platform for dairy farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium. The title focuses specifically on professionals within the agricultural sector, covering all aspects of dairy farming in detail. Melkveebedrijf is the brand for the Dutch and Flemish markets. For the Walloon market in Belgium, we publish Terre Fermière. With a fresh and modern approach, Melkveebedrijf offers a complete and up-to-date overview of the sector, informing readers not only about the latest trends and developments, but also providing inspiration and practical tools to optimize their business operations. We do this with various integrated on- and offline media channels: trade magazine, website, newsletter & social media.

Trade journal

Trade journal Melkveebedrijf

Reach figures

Trade journal Melkveebedrijf is published in the Netherlands and Flanders. The circulation of the magazine consists of subscriptions and is supplemented with other target groups relevant to dairy farming. We supplement this with data from the National Agricultural Database.

About the trade journal

The Melkveebedrijf trade magazine is intended for dairy farmers and related suppliers of products and services in the Netherlands and Flanders. We focus on the future-oriented, innovative dairy farmer. We highlight the latest developments within the sector and translate them into practice on the farm. Think of robotization, precision agriculture and sustainable production methods. We also look at national and European legislation and its impact on dairy farmers. Our articles aim to support dairy farmers in their daily operations, promote innovation and help them anticipate national and international developments and regulations.

Melkveebedrijf advertising

Publication dates

Trade journal Melkveebedrijf (Netherlands and Flanders)
EditionRelease dateThemesDelivery date advertisments
207-02-2025Claw Health17-01-2025
307-03-2025Healthy pasture and grazing14-02-2025
404-04-2025Udder Health14-03-2025
502-05-2025Soil and water11-04-2025
606-06-2025Sustainability and lifecycle16-05-2025
704-07-2025Forage extraction and storage13-06-2025
805-09-2025Stable Equipment15-08-2025
1105-12-2025Young cattle rearing14-11-2025


Website Melkveebedrijf

The Melkveebedrijf website is an essential part of our communication with our target audience. We have both a Dutch as a Flemish website.

The website offers the latest and most relevant news items, articles and reports. In this way, we also try to appeal to other audiences that we cannot (always) reach with stories in our trade magazine.

Melkveebedrijf advertising example website
Weergaven (Per week) Gebruikers (Per week)
Melkveebedrijf NL 18.900 8.000
Melkveebedrijf BE 2.000 600


Newsletter Melkveebedrijf

Melkveebedrijf advertising example newsletter
Ontvangers Openings%
Melkveebedrijf NL 19.000 31,60%
Melkveebedrijf BE 3.700 39,40%

Social media

Social media Melkveebedrijf

Melkveebedrijf advertising example social media
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
Melkveebedrijf NL 16.700 1.550 1.750 100
Melkveebedrijf BE 2.400


Data Melkveebedrijf

Melkveebedrijf advertising example data
Beschikbare gegevens
Telefoongegevens 95%
E-mailadressen 74%
Bedrijven waar melkwijze bekend van is 66%


Partner from Melkveebedrijf

As a partner, you benefit from broad and targeted exposure within your industry for one year. On the partner page, we collect the latest news, user experiences, surveys and other relevant articles your company has shared through our platforms. Partners work closely with our editors, web editors and marketing specialists to ensure that a message is spread in the right way and through the right channels.

This focused and strategic partnership helps to effectively achieve marketing objectives and strengthen your brand within the industry.


Sector-wide advertising

Sectorwide advertising Melkveebedrijf

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