

Sector-wide advertising is the best way for companies in the agricultural industry to expand their reach by appealing to multiple audiences at once. Instead of targeting one specific subgroup within the agricultural industry, such as dairy farmers or arable farmers, sector-wide advertising offers the opportunity to reach a much broader audience. This can be both cost effective and more efficient as campaigns span multiple subdomains within the same industry.

In this form of advertising, various online and offline channels can be used. In practice, it often means that companies not only target their immediate customer group, but also respond to the needs and interests of related relevant sectors within the agricultural sector. In short, sector-wide advertising offers a smart, cost-conscious way to be widely and effectively visible within the agricultural sector. Our cross-sector rates are extra advantageous with three or more sectors.

Our sector-wide reach

Print Websitegebruikers (per week) Nieuwsbrief ontvangers Social Media volgers
Nederland 22.200 20.420 42.100 40.100
Vlaanderen 9.650 2.300 13.420 10.610
Totaal 31.850 22.720 55.520 50.710

Our sector-wide rates

Print Tarieven NL Tarieven BE
1/1 advertentie € 5.140 € 4.605
1/2 advertentie € 3.050 € 2.975
1/4 advertentie € 1.540 € 1.340
Advertorial 1/1 (excl. tekstproductie) €3.815 € 3.335
Website Tarieven NL Tarieven BE
Leaderboard € 840 € 750
Rectangle Banner € 590 € 525
Sponsored Content € 1.015 € 910
Nieuwsbrief Tarieven NL Tarieven BE
Advertorial (incl. website en social media) € 955 € 865
Advertorial (incl. website, social media en responsformulier) € 1.080 € 1.000
Advertorial (externe link) € 790 € 740
Banner nieuwsbrief € 665 € 595
Social Media Tarieven NL Tarieven BE
Standaard plaatsing op tijdlijn € 330 € 400

All our agricultural brands

Prefer to advertise with one of our specific brands? Click on one of the logos below to go directly to our brands’ page.

Prosu - Melkveebedrijf
Prosu de Loonwerker
Prosu - Akkerbouwbedrijf
Prosu - Varkensbedrijf
Prosu - Pluimveebedrijf
Prosu - Terra
Prosu - Terre Fermière

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