Stay up-to-date with Varkensbedrijf on the latest developments, technologies and trends in pig farming.
Target audience: Varkensbedrijf
Varkensbedrijf is the trade magazine and main platform for pig farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium. The title focuses specifically on professionals within the agricultural sector, covering all aspects of contract work in detail. Varkensbedrijf is the brand for the Dutch and Flemish markets. With a fresh and modern approach, Varkensbedrijf offers a complete and up-to-date overview of the sector, informing readers not only about the latest trends and developments, but also providing inspiration and practical tools to optimize their business operations. We do this with various integrated on- and offline media channels: trade magazine, website, newsletter & social media.
Opportunities for Varkensbedrijf
Trade journal
Trade journal Varkensbedrijf
Reach figures
Trade journal Varkensbedrijf is published in the Netherlands and Flanders. The circulation of the magazine consists of subscriptions and is supplemented with other target groups relevant to the pig industry. We do this supplementation based on data from the National Agricultural Database.
About the trade journal
Varkensbedrijf is a trade journal for the Dutch and Flemish pig industry. We focus on the future-oriented pig farmer. But also employees and the partners with whom the pig farmer ensures that his business keeps running belong to our readership. We serve our readers with knowledge, innovation and practical solutions for daily practice and to make the pig farm grow along with changing market conditions and technological progress.
In the magazine we cover topics such as automation, animal health, nutrition, housing and sustainability. We also offer concrete tools for responding to national and European laws and regulations, for example on emissions, barn innovations, and animal health.

Publication dates
Trade Journal Varkensbedrijf (Netherlands and Flanders)
Editions | Release date | Themes | Delivery date advertisments |
1 | 21-02-2025 | Stable climate and stall design | 31-01-2025 |
2 | 21-03-2025 | Robustness and piglet vitality | 28-02-2025 |
3 | 18-04-2025 | Feed and drinking water | 28-03-2025 |
4 | 16-05-2025 | Steering by key figures | 25-04-2025 |
5 | 18-07-2025 | Sustainability and lifecycle | 27-06-2025 |
6 | 26-09-2025 | Health and prevention | 05-09-2025 |
7 | 24-10-2025 | Data and management | 03-10-2025 |
8 | 21-11-2025 | Manures and emissions | 31-10-2025 |
9 | 19-12-2025 | Genetics – get the most out of the pig | 28-11-2025 |
Website Varkensbedrijf
The Varkensbedrijf website is an essential part of our communication with our target audience. We have both a Dutch and a Flemish website.
The website offers the latest and most relevant news items, articles and reports. In this way, we also try to appeal to other audiences that we cannot (always) reach with stories in our trade magazine.

Weergaven (Per week) | Gebruikers (Per week) | |
Varkensbedrijf NL | 2.100 | 1.000 |
Varkensbedrijf BE | 800 | 300 |
Newsletter Varkensbedrijf
Every week the Varkensbedrijf newsletter is sent out. This keeps our readers informed of the latest developments, announcements and most important articles. The newsletter is a quick and efficient way to inform contract workers about relevant topics.
The newsletter for Varkensbedrijf Netherlands and Belgium is sent by default on Tuesdays.

Ontvangers | Openings% | |
Varkensbedrijf NL | 4.200 | 35,10% |
Varkensbedrijf BE | 2.500 | 36,90% |
Social media
Social media Varkensbedrijf
Social media allows us to be in direct and interactive contact with our target audience. Here we provide up-to-date content and events, which means we can always provide our followers with the latest news.
By using targeted advertising and analytics, we can effectively tailor our message to the interests and needs of our target audience, leading to increased engagement.

Varkensbedrijf NL | 1.170 | 320 | 650 |
Varkensbedrijf BE | 1.130 |
Data Varkensbedrijf
With our National Agricultural Database we have mapped most of the Dutch and Belgian pig sector. Through continuous data collection and updating, we ensure that this data is always up-to-date and available.
Using this data, you can actually ensure that your message gets to the perfect audience within the pig industry.

Beschikbare gegevens | |
Telefoongegevens | 95% |
E-mailadressen | 68% |
Bedrijven waar werkzaamheden van bekend zijn | 76% |
Partner Varkensbedrijf
As a partner, you benefit from broad and targeted exposure within your industry for one year. In addition, on the partner page we collect the latest news, user experiences, surveys and other relevant articles your company has shared through our platforms. Our editors, web editors and marketing specialists work closely with partners to ensure they spread a message in the right way and through the right channels.
This focused and strategic partnership helps to effectively achieve marketing objectives and strengthen your brand within the industry.
Sector-wide advertising
Do you have a marketing message that goes beyond the pig business? In addition to Varkensbedrijf, we have a broad portfolio of strong brands within the agricultural sector, such as Melkveebedrijf, de Loonwerker, Akkerbouwbedrijf, Pluimveebedrijf en Terra.
By spreading your message through several of our specialized titles, you ensure maximum impact within the sectors. You will also enjoy attractive benefits when you opt for a cross-platform strategy, where your message is deployed efficiently and effectively across all our titles.