Agricultural database
Our agricultural database
Good marketing campaigns are built on current and reliable data. At Prosu, we understand this like no other, which is why we started building the most comprehensive and detailed database in the agricultural industry more than 30 years ago.
With our experience in collecting, analysing and updating data, our National Agricultural Database provides valuable information that helps companies reach their target audiences effectively and craft their marketing messages even more concretely.
No matter whether it’s matching, updating or purchasing data, Prosu can help you move forward.

National Agricultural Database
Our database contains data of agricultural companies in the Netherlands and Belgium from different sectors from arable and livestock farmers to greenhouse and horticultural companies and related suppliers. The database is continuously updated and expanded, so you can always rely on the most recent and relevant information.
What agricultural data do we have on record?
We have a large amount of data on farmers. The overview below shows what data we have mapped of farmers in the Netherlands and a large part of Belgium. Are you looking for specific target group data that are not directly in the online census tool? Then please contact us. We are happy to think along to see how we can help.
Company data
- Company name
- Address
- Legal form
- Chamber of Commerce number
Contact details
- Name
- Phone number
- Mobile number
- E-mailadres
Geographic data
- Postal code
- Municipality
- Water Authority
- Province
- Country
- Main activity
- Animals (species)
- Crops (species)
Company size
- Number of persons employed
- Business Area
- Animals (number)
- Crops (hectares)
Other data
- Common / organic
- Successor(s)
- Bank & Accountant
- Milking plant (property, make & year built)
- Tractor (property, make, horsepower)
- Compound feed supplier
Ready to reach the target audience?
Reach out to our Account Manager to help you with making a selection. Our online tool is unfortunatly only available in Dutch. Therefore, the best option is to contact us, so we can assist you with making the count.
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